I'm a Teacher Now!

I’ve got some pretty cool news:
I’m a teacher now!
I know what you’re wondering, 
and NO, I don’t know how.

Is my first grader thrilled?
Nope, not a bit. 
She’s very strong-willed
and thinks my teaching skills are shit.

We’ve been practicing our lower-case. 
She says I do a’s wrong.
(I told you this one
was really headstrong.)

We tried to do some math.
It’s not how I remember.
She rolls her eyes and laughs at me.
I think I should suspend her!

She doodles when I’m talking.
She laughs when I instruct.
But she’s already learned a few new words.
Namely: shit, goddamn, and fuck.

A second language, just like that!
And it was only our second day. 
Now school is done and I’m back to mom.
A mom who needs to go practice her a’s.